Wednesday 8 April 2009

Meet the Centaur

Further proof, if needed, that photoshopping will not make your image better. Click to see a bigger version.

I mean seriously. Dude looks like a Centaur. Plus look at where his hand is at. NO NO NO. Stop it now.

Smoke the northern lights

Worst. press. release. ever.

Hello there fellow northern lights fans & freaks!

We had quite a nice aurora last night and I have a good feeling about tonite as well. Still waiting to see some real exotic colours this year - purple haze anyone ?

Hmmmm - This spring is however fortunately due to be the last "slow" season on the Aurora cycle. Then we will head into what I have now monumentally entitled as

"THE AGE OF AURORA - 2009-2014©".

These 6 coming years should - according to all scientific expertise and hundreds of years of recording the sunspots activity - exhibit some fantastic northern lights. This iow means consistantly active skies, as the suns cycular " heartbeat" culminates and the solar activity increases to a stunning maximum!!!

This is something you simply do not want to miss out on seeing. Now is the time to book your trips to northern destinations and see this natures marvelous Wonder of the Celestial Polar Skies. Best times to book this fall are predicted to be mid September through the end of November and middle of January to end of March 2010.

We here at [NAME REMOVED TO PRESERVE DIGNITY] - your top northern lights destination - are awaiting your arrival to envision what I also jokingly term as "The Woodstock Revival". For those of you that might have been there. Or thought you were...Or wished you had been.

Peace and stunning skies to you all 2nite!

Bob Borealis

Freaks? Age of Aurora? Purple Haze? Woodstock Revival? Bob Borealis?

I want some of what dude is smoking.

Friday 3 April 2009

It's behind you...

Sadly, moments after this shot was taken the happy couple (who do seem very well suited) was mauled to death.

Thursday 2 April 2009


Will you just look at my cock!!! Will you? Please?

What the duck?

The love between a man and his duck is a beautiful thing. This hotel in the Caribbean seems to be targeting the discerning traveller looking for the perfect venue for his cross-species honeymoon. They look happy anyway.

Welcome to our hotel

Just open your legs a little wider love, all the tourists are going to come flocking now

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Slap it with John

Just watch the first 30 seconds. Seriously. Scary shit or what?

Just relax...

This isn't actually a promo shot from a hotel in Germany. Oh no. It's a still from Russ Meyer's long-lost B-movie classic The Attack of the 20-Foot Clams.

Don't be rude to the waiter...

... he might just spit in your food.

Is that Lenny Kravitz?

Monday 30 March 2009

Ain't no fun if the PR can't have none

Trust Snoop to come with some PR goodness. This is taken from an email announcing his having joined the ranks of US artists jumping on the latest UK music trend. Going one better Snoop also jumps on the Slumdog Millionaire bandwagon at the same time and then his PR people proceed to drop such gems on us as:

- Putting a hyphen in dubstep
- Titling the email 'Snoop Dogg steals oscar from Slumdog Millionaire'
- And this gem of a paragraph: "In creating the groundbreaking song, Snoop, ever a trendsetter, has become the first major American artist to collaborate with the exploding Dub-Step scene. The UK bred electro-infused genre is characterized by its heavy bass, dark sounds and syncopated rhythms."

The only answer to that last bit being of course the almighty facepalm...

Some light reading while on holiday

The picture doesn't do much for the hotel it's supposed to promote, hell it doesn't actually show anything. But let's give it out to the model for a great book choice. 2012 nah mean.